Pride for fortuity

Since ancient times, humans has divided society into insider and outsider(stranger). This helped the first people to avoid danger🙀, since stranger = danger. But in our time, in my opinion, this no longer needs to be done, since civilized people should not be dangerous, but you will say that crime still exists and the danger has not disappeared. And I can answer that criminals can even be among "insiders". Therefore, division does not matter.

Despite this, people are now divided into races, nationalities, gender, etc. Sometimes people are proud of belonging to a certain group. Some are proud that they are white, others are proud that this person of his nationality, who has reached some heights, women are proud that they give birth, and men are proud that their gender has taken science and technology to a new level.

At birth, we do not choose gender, race, nation or appearance. You can be proud of your achievements, knowledge, but not what happened without your participation. 
Since childhood, I did not understand why we root for our team during interscholastic competitions, but during regional competitions it does not make sense which school. We cheer for our city. And if these are international tournaments, then we already support our entire country. Have you thought about this?😕 

Remember Dimash Kudaibergenov? When he became famous I admired his skill and work, when many of my entourage and commentators said: “Here is our Kazakh, well done! I am proud that I was also born a Kazakh! This is normal? In my opinion, no.😑

A human is always looking with whom he can associate himself, and he considers these people to be partners. I am 100% sure that if aliens opposed us, then people would no longer look at either race, nation or gender, they would just become “people,” but there will certainly be those who will go over to the side of aliens. 😅

Why am I writing specifically on this topic🤔? Have you heard about the book of our deputy Karakat Abden? The book name is «You are a Kazakh girl. Be proud! ». With the release of this book, well-known feminist bloggers began to speak badly of this book, but there are those who advocate the idea of ​​a deputy. I have a dual feeling about this. On the one hand, there are no bad tips in this book. For some reason, many parents are embarrassed to speak openly with their children about their physiology and about life in general. In my opinion, such books will help teenagers be acquainted with their features. However, what pushes me away from this book? This is his name and concept of education.

Again, this feeling of pride for fortuity, again this division of girls and boys, and the most sensitive for me is that in this book girls are considered only as a future mother, a wife, of course, well bred, intelligent and kind. The concept of this book is that it teaches "how to be a real Kazakh woman" according to the standards of tradition. If I do not marry and become a good daughter-in-law and have no children, will I really not be considered a Kazakh woman?
I would like girls, boys, kazakhs, non kazakhs to be considered primarily as people. In addition, I want us to be educated, tolerant, open-mind, with a sense of empathy for other people and for nature, a people with freedom speach. The PEOPLE, Carl, people😤.




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